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Thursday, May 26, 2011

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - JS

Yesterday, we got to skype with a friend of Mr. Joe's. His name is Blake. He lives in North Carolina, but his wife and son are from Colombia. He lived in Colombia for two years but has citizen ship in America. His son Sam has citizen ship in both America and Colombia and his wife, Denise has citizen ship in Colombia. Blake told us that when he got back to Colombia the first thing he noticed was all the colors. He told us he went to about half the country's there and his favorite part about South America was the food and the music.

Blake also told us that he did not like being targeted for pickpockets because he’s American but most of the people their are nice and very friendly. Another thing Blake told us was that the woman there are very mistreated and that some of the houses in poverty are mostly made of sacks and drift wood. That’s what I learned from skyping with Blake.

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