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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - A.G.

skyping with Denise

skyping still was a new thing for me so i didn't really know how to with Blake but with Denise it was the same. I was really nervous to do it at first but when i did it it was fine. When we were skyping the connection was being stupid we could not see her but we could see us. She talked about Columbia and what it was like there and what the people were like. She showed us Sam and he was awesome. It was really hard to understand her so i didn’t get much out of it.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - K.J.

Skyping With Denise

Today, we skyped with Denise, Blake’s wife. She is from Cartagena, Colombia. When she first came to the U.S., she was surprised to see squirrels everywhere. She said that in Colombia there are only red squirrels in the country. She doesn’t like hot dogs or hamburgers too much and she likes hanging out with her friends.

She has a diploma in philosophy and is a philosopher. After high school, you have to choose your career and that is what you will go to college for. She mostly thinks about society. She thinks about questions most people wouldn’t ever think about. She likes the idea of equality and social justice. She doesn’t really agree with any of the rebel groups or the government. Both of them are causing violence. The government is “stopping” the violence by killing people. They invest mostly in the army which in turn creates more war. Taking care of the community is not a top priority for the government. The rebel groups, right now, aren’t a threat to the government. There is no violence in her neighborhood. Most of the violence is in remote areas outside the cities. She said that when you hear stories about violence, there are multiple sides. You never know who to believe. One of the things she hates the most is when people think she likes tortillas and tacos because she is from South America. She said that in every South American country, there are different foods. She said you shouldn’t assume that she is Mexican because only Mexicans are Mexican. She is Colombian.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - B.B.



I learned that the Government in Colombia is selfish and unreasonable, that is my opinion anyways. I am irked that the government have no regard to their promises. I dislike the fact that if you go to collage for a job your that job for your life. Denise is happy with her husband. She was visiting her family at the time we talked on skype. Her little boy is 14 months old. Denise is from Colombia. She is in philosophy. Columbia has diverse foods and drinks.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - C.Ja

Hey dudes, guess what, I’m back. Been awhile hasn’t? anyway, Today I’ be blogging about Denise, a person we skyped with who is native to Colombia and is the wife of one of Mr. Joe’s friends. S when we talked to her, we learned a lot about Colombia. Like There isn’t any real threat to the Colombia Government, besides the rebels, but even they haven't done anything extremely disastrous. Another thing is that the Indigenous people are fighting back to reclaim their land. But it’s very difficult for them. It seems that there has been a large report of massacres. Not just in Colombia, but everywhere else as well. Thanks for listening, signing out.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - LA

She’s from Cartagena. She is the wife of Blake and mother of 14-month-old Sam. Denise has been studying philosophy for four years. For those of you what a philosopher is, it’s a person studies a question about sociability and life. From what she says it’s always summer in Cartagena. Denise is an expert on conflict and poverty. She thinks it’s weird to see squirrels everywhere. Toys are pretty much the same. Denise really likes fish. And she didn’t even think about getting married before she met Blake.

First of all, she doesn’t agree with any rebel groups. She doesn’t like the Colombian government because many people are suffering. Apparently, the Colombian government is doing a lot to stop the violence by lying to stop the war. But they don’t care about the Indigenous; their safety just isn’t the Colombian government’s top priority. So far there is no big threat to the government. But the Indigenous and civilians are trying to fight back. So far, Denise hasn’t seen any violence in her neighborhoods. And with the stories that are going around, Denise can’t which story is true.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - CJ


On Friday we skyped with with Denise who is Blake's wife. She lived in Cartagena Colombia but now lives in Carrboro NC with Blake and her son Sam. She doesn't have citizenship in the United States because she dint want to betray her country. She has a green card for the State. In Cartagena its all ways summer.
People read about whats wrought with Colombia. Nobody knows that the people there are really nice. People think that your from Colombia then your Mexican. Its like somebody saying oh so your white than you must be from Canada. She said it she doesn’t like it when people from the United states calls them self Americans when there just the same as Latin America. United states really need to watch what there saying. Not all people agree with whats going on there. She doesn't agree with any of the groups. She said that the government is trying to stop it but its not working. There’s no violence in Cartagena but if you go to the country than there’s allot more. There isn't any big threats going on.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - DK


Denise is a very smart Colombian person and I like how she can answer most of our question. Denise is a philosopher. Denise has a husband that we Skyped on Wednesday and his name is Blake. Denise studies conflict of poverty and I think she is trying to stop poverty in Colombia. Denise and Blake live in Carrboro, North Carolina. She has a boy name Sam and he is 14 to 15 months old. Sam is a American and a Colombian in Colombia and in the USA. Denise lives in Cartagena and Blake has been there before. I like how she doesn’t want people think they have Mexican food and don’t judge there color of skin and think that they have Mexican food.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - HJ

Skying with Denise......

She doesn`t agree with none of the groups and she wants justice. People judge country by the nearest country.Colombia may be close to Mexico but they`re different in may ways. They may all talk the same language but Colombia is much bitter,and a lot of other thing.The government is try to find the leaders but not really caring. The government doesn't really care what happens out of city limits, at least that's what I remember. She try`s to help those who don`t get their human rights. What we hear is only what the media is telling us and not the truth. Some may be true but not all truth and the same thing that happened at all, some times. Nobody knows what happens because by the time it gets back the media has killed the story completely.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - SM

Skype With Denise

Last Friday we skyped with a woman named Denise. She is from the Colombian city called Cartagena. She told us that it’s always summer in Colombia. She is a philosopher. Denise does not agree with any of Colombia's paramilitaries. There is not much serious violence around where she lived.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - RS

Denise lives in Colombia. Denises favorite type of food is fish. Denises hasnt seen any violence in her neighborhood. Denises favorite American food is chicken dumpling. Denise is a philosopher. Denise isn't on any ones side in the civil war in Colombia. Denise is married to Blake. That is what i know about Denise.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - SP

Skype With Denise
When we where skyping with Denise I learned many things about colombia. I learned that the war they are in now is never ending. I also learned that the government does not care about the indigenous people. A very interesting thing I learned was that solders in colombia a called “legals” “I also learned that groups in colombia kill people to let people know they are there”

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - MM

Last week we talked with Blake's wife. She is a philosopher. Mr. Joe had previously told us that when she first came to America, she was afraid of squirls because she had never seen them before. She told us that it just seemed unusuall to her. They have red squirls so she thought it was weird seeing a brown one. She also told us about how it’s weird that we call ourselves American when there is two continents called America and somehow they aren’t American.

She also told us about some of the civil war down there. Every group seems to have their own solution on how to handle the country. She also told us about the gorilla groups down there. How they didn’t just decide to pick up a gun. They were protesting against the government and no one was listening. The government was fighting them off so they picked up a gun to fight back.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - CRW

In Colombia if you want to be a doctor it would take less time to become one there then to try to become one here. Denise is a philosopher. Denise doesn’t agree with any of the groups in Colombia. The government are forcing people out of their homes and harassing them all because they just don’t really care about them. Denise hasn’t seen much violence where she lives, her neighborhood is quite safe she hasn’t seen any body's house get shot at or anything like that. Apparently Denise has seen a squirrel before but not that many, and her squirrels are red. Her favorite food in Colombia is fish, she loves it. Her favorite American food is burgers, cornbread, and chicken dumpling. Her favorite thing to do in Colombia is just hang out with her friends. Denise can speak Spanish very well.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Denise - M.Mu

Skype with Denise.

Denise doesn't really like any of the groups in Columbia. She does fear them though. Well I didn't learn any thing that I didn't already know from Blake so I don't really learn much about Columbia.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - AG

When we were skyping with Blake it was interesting because i have never done a web cam chat before. We learned so many cool things like that people eat ginipigs and other cool stuff. Like the massive earth worms,and that the people are very nice and good people. i learned that u can email some stranger and ask them to stay at there house for a little wile.The email thing is pretty scary so i would probly never do it but over all i might go and visit some day.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - BB

Blake is a elementary school teacher. He wanted to see South America. He now lives in Carrboro, N.C. When he was in Columbia he lived in Cartagena. His wife is from Columbia. Her name is Denise. They are both nonreligious. But Denise was baptised. He never got used to life in Columbia even though he lived there for two years. Blake graduated in 2004. He used six months to teach English in Columbia. The wife had no pets when they met.
The dogs roam free. If they do not bark they are gone. If cats do not catch mice they have to leave. Dogs are common. They had wonderful juices. Blake liked food, the people, and the dances. He ate smashed guinea pig, also known as qui. Soccer, cycling, Baseball, and tennis are popular sports. Women fell like objects. If you get married in other countries it takes longer to move here. Poverty is high in Colubia. Slums are hard to live in. It floods a lot in slums. Schools in slums have no chairs. It is over crowded in slums. There is 12 and over parents.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - JS

Yesterday, we got to skype with a friend of Mr. Joe's. His name is Blake. He lives in North Carolina, but his wife and son are from Colombia. He lived in Colombia for two years but has citizen ship in America. His son Sam has citizen ship in both America and Colombia and his wife, Denise has citizen ship in Colombia. Blake told us that when he got back to Colombia the first thing he noticed was all the colors. He told us he went to about half the country's there and his favorite part about South America was the food and the music.

Blake also told us that he did not like being targeted for pickpockets because he’s American but most of the people their are nice and very friendly. Another thing Blake told us was that the woman there are very mistreated and that some of the houses in poverty are mostly made of sacks and drift wood. That’s what I learned from skyping with Blake.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - LA

Yesterday, my class skyped with Blake, our teacher’s friend,about Colombia. He was born in Carver, North Carolina and graduated from college in 2004. Right now he’s teaching at an elementary school. He has a wife named Denise, who is colombian, and a son named Sam, who is half colombian, and is 14 months old. Denise is catholic but doesn't practice. Blake is not religious. Currently, he’s living in Cartagena, Colombia. He’s not used to his new lifestyle. Blake has been to many countries but only half of them. Blake didn’t face any challenges while he was moving back to the U.S. He met his wife when she was his host when she gave him shelter. And his first thought was that Colombia was very colorful.

In Colombia, the weather is between 95 and 100 degrees everyday. There’s major poverty and not a lot of rich people. Women usually become moms from 12 and up. Men would cheat on their wives and girlfriends. Their sports are soccer, baseball, cycling, tennis, and beauty pageants(for girls). Colombia has a variety of animals, but the exotic ones are iguanas, little monkeys, birds, dogs, and butterflies. Colombians let their animals roam and the animals come back at night. If the dogs don’t bark, they get kicked out. The soldiers would protect tourists. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is the most famous man in Colombia. Most Colombians are friendly, but some will mug you.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - SP

I have learned that in colombia people eat guinea pig, which they call qui. I have also learned that in colombia they have so much fruit, that most of Americans have not seen them all. I have learned that the woman are not treated right, and that thay feel like objects. And I have also learned they have 40 to 50 students pear a class room.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - CJ

You don’t hear about the good things about Colombia on the web. Only if you’ve been their than you would now ,like Blake. He went down to Latin America to learn about farming. He went to Cartagena and he said it was amazingly beautifully there. But he couldn't wait to come back to the United States.He said the people were really nice and not like the things you hear on the web. He meet his wife there as will. There son has duel citizenship of America and Colombia. And Denise dint want to get an America citizenship. Colombia doesn't have squirrels so when Denise came and saw one she was scared of them. We also take things for granted in the United States. Like there schools is only a dirt floor (will the ones he saw). For a hundred chairs he got for the school was 150 dollars. Woman and girls were treated poorly. There human rights they had were being violated. Girls don’t get pregnant here at age 12 but in colombia they get pregnant at age 12.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - TS

So the other day we as a class had a Skype call with Mr. Joe’s good friend Blake. We asked him questions about him being in Colombia and other Latin American countries. He told us the reason he wanted to volunteer in Latin America is because he wanted to learn Spanish and wanted to learn farming techniques. Blake claims he never got used to the lifestyle because it lacked a lot of things in America we take for granted , such as returning a product at the store. Blake and what now is his wife, Denise have a son named Sam. He met Denise in Colombia she was hosting a place for him to live while he farmed. When Denise first came to America she was freaked out by squirrels. Blake stayed in Cartagena and he says it was extremely hot 95-100 degrees.

Blake claims he felt completely safe and that there was no danger you would not experience in a place such as Portland. Cartagena is a very colorful city and is very tropical. On the other hand women in Colombia grow up feeling like objects. A lot of the homes in the widespread in Colombia were makeshift and not very suitable. The schools in Colombia did not have the correct supplies for learning such as chairs. In fact Blake being the good person he is bought 100 chairs to donate to a school in Colombia. On a kinder note Blake's favorite things to do in Cartagena was get the amazing street food go to the beaches and dance salsa. So me of the street food that was there was a dish called Qui. Which is flattened fried Guinea pig. Skypeing with Blake was a great experience and hopefully we get to talk to his wife Denise.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - HJ

Colombia and Latin America

I found out that Colombia is a really nice place to live. We hear about what people want to tell us and not what they really want to hear. Everywhere they nice people. We heard about how he worked for housing. He gave his time as well as his knowledge. He gave up his money for the kids so they would have a nice place to sit. I think its really sad that they kill guinea pig to eat,its not sad its just grouse. It surprised me that America has more guns then Colombia. The police and some of the paramilitaries would help out. They mostly stand where they are more people coming to visit. Its very warm they`re which I wish its warm here but we live in a green place. He said that its really pretty because of all the flowers. They`re so many different fruits that we won`t hear about them. He makes me want to go to Colombia. I hope I get to go there someday.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - CRW

Blake is a elementary school teacher, he isn’t used to being in Colombia it was troubling for him to settle down in Colombia. If you buy something in Colombia it’s nothing like here in America if you buy it you keep it, it doesn’t matter if it’s broken or what you still won’t be able to return it. His son is 14 months old. Some of the animals there are small monkeys, lots of birds, and iguana’s. There dogs are treated very differently then how we treat our dogs. If they don’t bark they get put outside because the dogs are supposed to bark to protect your house. If the dog doesn’t kill the mice in your hose or any where else they once again get put outside. They don’t have squirrels in Colombia so when Blake brought his wife to America she saw a squirrel and thought they were weird. There is a lot of graffiti in Colombia mostly about AUC, FARC, and the president. Blake is rich compared to the other people in Colombia so people are always trying to get money out of him by either pick pocketing him or store managers will double their prices when they see Blake. The most popular sport in Colombia is soccer, they play also play baseball and tennis. Women are extremely mistreated in Colombia so there self esteem is very low. In Colombia’s amazon every animal or living thing there is bigger then animals in America, regular fish are the size of dolphins, there earthworms are as big as snakes. So I can’t imagine how big there snakes are. That’s just the summary of what Blake told me and the rest of the class.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - RS

You can learn from just going somewhere. Blake has bin to Colombia. I learned that Colombia's biggest sport is soccer. Colombian city graffiti is mainly to recruit people to F.A.R.C.. A native food that Blake ate was qui which is guinea pig. 95 percent of Colombia is catholic. Blake said it was hard to get use to Colombia. There are alot more organic farms then regular farms in south America. Some American animals are exotic to Colombia. Blake learned alot from Colombia and i learned alot from him.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - KJ

Yesterday, my class skyped with one of Mr. Joe’s friends again. His name is Blake. His wife is Colombian and his son is half American, half Colombian. He wanted to travel to every country in Latin America. He didn’t meet his goal but he got very close. He could ramble off many of the countries he has been to and the countries he hasn’t yet visited. Currently, Blake is living in Carrboro, N.C. while his wife, Denise, is visiting Cartagena, Colombia along with her son 14 month old Sam. Blake is a American citizen, Denise is a Colombian citizen, and Sam has dual citizen.

We learned a ton of facts, so here they are. When Blake was in Colombia, he said he felt very safe. There were police on buildings holding guns protecting the people. He said he liked the music, food, and people in Colombia. He said it was very tropical and had many tropical fruits, birds and butterflies. Soccer is a big sport in Colombia and so is cycling. They also have baseball and tennis. One of the big things is beauty pageants. He said that Colombia is well known for having the most beauty pageants. He said that it is very sad. The women are very self conscious, have a low self esteem and grow up feeling like objects. 95% of the people in Colombia but some of them don’t practice. The pets in Colombia are mainly dogs and cats. Dogs must and cats must catch mice, but in America, it’s the exact opposite. There iguanas and small monkeys and other animals as well. He also said that the average U.S. citizen has more money than 90% of Colombians. His favorite Colombian dish is an empanada type food. Colombians have a reputation of being the most friendly people.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - M.Mi

On Wednesday we Skyped with one of Mr. Joe’s american friends, Blake. He told us that there really was not as much violence and poverty as in Colombia as the Internet and Mr. Joe had told us that there was. There is some violence in the rural areas but it actually sounds like there was more violence and poverty inside the U.S. then in Colombia. Mr. Joe also told us that the earthworms were a foot in diameter. Blake told us that that was wrong to. The worms were still larger than ours, about three inches in diameter, but not as big as Mr. Joe told us. They also have fresh water fish as big as dolphins.

He told us about his travels. How they were supposedly some of the friendliest people. How he got pick-pocketed 3 times. How since he was American, he was rich to them, and walked around with a big target on his back for con artists. He told us about this program where people sign up and you can e-mail them and they will let you sleep in their house. He actually met his wife through that system.

We asked him if it took a long time to get back to the U.S. He told us that it didn’t take very long. It took a lot less time then Mr. Joe’s brother in law. He told us that it went quicker because they had a fiance visa. It goes quicker but you would have to have the wedding in the next three months.

What I Learned about Colombia from Talking with Blake - DK

Colombia is colorful when you see the country land. Blake likes Colombia’s burritos. He went to many different countries around South America. 95% of Colombia is christian or Catholic. Colombia popular pet are dogs. Blake's wife was afraid of the squirrels, when she came to the USA. Mainly in North Carolina. Blake went to Mr. Joe’s wedding on April 30th. The food in Colombia, they eat qui and they grill them. In the Amazon River everything is big. When he was in College, he was helping people do farming things.

What I Learned About Colombia from Talking with Blake - SM

Yesterday my class skyped with a guy named Blake. He lives in Carrboro NC. He has a wife named Denise and she is from Colombia. We asked him questions about Colombia. he told us that the food was good. He said that Colombia was really colorful. People keep dogs so they can scare people away. In Colombia there are lots of tropical birds and monkeys. There are worms the size of snakes and fish the size of dolphins. Squirrels are exotic in Colombia. those were the positive things I learned about Colombia.

What I Learned About Colombia from Talking with Blake - M.Mu

I learned many things with Blake but these are the main things i learned. I learned that you cant return objects to stores even if they break. Well what I think is that small monkeys replace squirrel’s. Alot animals that are in America are exotic in Colombia most people probably don't know what squirrel's are. Lower class Americans have more money than most of the people in Colombia. 95% of Colombia's residents are Catholic.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day....Earth!

Dear Earth,

We, the 7th and 8th grade crew, are writing you a letter. This will consist of various bits of wisdom, advice, hope, or fear from each member of our class. We hope you enjoy and we'd love to hear from you soon.

First off, we are sorry. We are slow learners. Some of us mean well by you, and promise to take steps to improve on our treatment of you. We will strive to serve as a model for others in the hopes that the masses will one day appreciate you as we do.
- Mr. Joe

I hope people take better care of you. First, you need to give us warm weather. Everybody is cranky when there are no warm spells. We still should take care of you, even when it's cold for seven months. They'd be happier and want to take care of you more.
- C.Jo

Tell your trees to run away. I want to use less paper and pencils. Instead, I will use pens. I like you Earth. You're a loving planet. I appreciate you. Happy Earth Day.
- B.B.

I am sorry we are screwing up your ozone. I am trying hard to keep you clean. My favorite place on you so far is in a forest next to a stream. You are truly beautiful. I wish we could clean you up entirely. I also wish I could talk to you face to face.
- M.Mu

Thank you for giving us life. Without you we would be nothing. With our current situation, we are in a lot of trouble. I'm sure you are feeling the pain we are inflicting upon you. Some are trying to do as much as they can, while others have no hope. I fear you, just like a person, will someday die. We all have good intentions, and hope you live on forever.
- K.J.

Well, I fear we are going to lose you. I feel we are going to kill you in our mistreatment of you. This is getting out of hand. We are scarring you with all of our trash and pollution. You are the reason of our existence, but we treat you like dirt. I hope we learn our lesson before it is too late.
- R.S.

We are sorry for polluting, bombing, and leaving blood stains across your surface. We need you. You are the biggest mass. We do not treat you rightly, therefore we are sorry. We appreciate your understanding, and will try better in the future.
- A.H.

I'm sorry that we have abused your beauty and used it for our own personal gain. I would like to say I never meant harm but enjoyment from your vast hills. I believe others feel the same, and we are all sorry.
- T.S.

We love you. Without you, we would not be here. But I know some people treat you badly and pollute you. I'm sorry we bomb you and are killing you. I really hope people learn to treat you nicely and learn that you are a living planet. Because, if we don't, I fear that we will lose you.
- J.S.

I am happy that you are here. You are the only planet that bares life. I know that you have gone through many times of pain and suffering. But there are many people who are trying to help you and use the materials that you have given. There are many things that you have given us that we use in excess and I am sorry for it. But there are many things that you have given us in nature, like fishing and hunting, which are my favorite things to do and I thank you.
- D.H.

I hope you can forgive us for you giving you pain. Our class is trying to help you recover. I appreciate everything you've given me because you work hard to produce the things we need. I am doing my best to keep you alive. It breaks my heart to see how people are trying to destroy you. I hope you live a long time. I hope we fix what we have caused you. You deserve to be treated with respect and love.
- L.A.

We are afraid of learning and caring. We spit and pollute you. You give us life and we give you pain. You give us beauty and we give you blood stains. We mistake beauty for our own good. We throw away beauty for darkness and ugliness.
- H.J.

I enjoy being alive and so do many other people. You have the awesome power and we destroy you. I hope in the future, things will get better for all of us. Hopefully our world will not be destroyed by us. Earth, thank you for everything. We really appreciate it.
- C.E.

I am glad that you're here. If you weren't, I wouldn't be here. And no one else would be here. And that would suck. But we are, so it's all good. I and we are so sorry we are not cleaning you up. You are amazing, but when you end I will hate you. We need to clean you up and stop polluting so we don't die.
- E.D.

As you may know, I'm trying to go outside more and not watch t.v. or play video games. What I do when I play outside is play lacrosse, ride my bike, and hang out with my friends at the park. I hope that this is helping to make a difference.
- A.G.

I hope you are having a good Earth Day. It probably isn't, because you are constantly being drilled into and burned and broken. You are also constantly being polluted, driven on, dug through, and split apart. You are being fought on and over and having your tress chopped down. Happy Earth Day anyways.
- M.Mi

People have been mistreating you for a long time. People litter, waste energy, pollute, and it's horrible. But some people try to help and clean up after others. Please don't blow up on us anytime soon.
- S.M.

You have been giving us food, water, and resources. You've given us shelter and many other things that we need. And you've been protecting us from the meteors that have been passing us.
- A.F.

How are you? Is everything going well? I just want to tell you that I feel truly sorry for you. I hope things will turn out well for you. I know we will fix this problem. Oh, and stick to alternative fuels, they're good for you.
- C.Ja

Hello Earth. I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for pulling out the grass and accidentally breaking some branches once in a while. I know it must suck to be Earth while us humans are destroying you. We're killing you very slowly and I am sorry for this.
- C.R.W.


City View Charter School's 7/8 Crew

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mercy Corps Climate Change - DHA

We went to mercy corps on wed,Feb 2,2011 we talked about climate change. Why lake shad is shrinking in Niger. We also talked about Niger’s crops failing .They told us to prioritize what we think needs to happen to save a failing country

On Wednesday we went to Mercy Corps in Portland. we started to drive at around 12:00 PM.

we were talking about climate change after we ate lunch. they talked to us for about 30-45 min.then they had us watch a video about climate change. then they told us to write are own definition of climate change and what we learned from the video.

we learned that lake shad was a very important resource for Niger. and that it was shrinking. it was shrinking because the climate was getting hotter. the climate was getting hotter because their was pollution which caused climate change. lake shad is now a forth of its original size because of climate change. lake shad is not even in Niger anymore so they cannot use its water anymore.

after we had learned that lake shad was shrinking we talked about Niger’s crops where doing so bad. we thought the lake being gone was bad enough. but in 2005 there was a swarm of locust then their was one of the worst droughts in history plus the crops that they did harvest that the locust didn't eat went bad because of mice rats and mold. and the few seeds they did have they could not plant one because it was to late in the season. two there soil was bad. three they did not have enough water to spare because lake shad disappeared.

then after we had learned all that. they told us to think we where world leaders and to prioritize what we think Niger needed to get back on there feet.i can not remember what are groups agreed about

Mercy Corps Climate Change - CRW

We could go and help the people that are suffering climate change the most. We could bring them supplies, food, water, and antibiotics. We could help them travel to other country’s if they really needed to. In our community we could do stuff like save energy and water. We could save water by keeping the faucet off while brush our teeth, take shorter showers, and drinking all the water that we plan on drinking. We could save energy by keeping our phone chargers unplugged when we aren’t charging our phones. We could shut down places that use a lot of the worlds recourse's such as McDonald’s and other wasteful company's or projects. We could help the main people suffering climate change find work.take the max or bus. We could protest about stuff causing climate change or making it. We could help the environment by protecting it or something like that. We could help the people in need or Face book about stuff ruining the environment. We could change peoples mind about not helping the environment. We could explain to people what is happening to the poor people who are suffering climate change. Anything to change there minds basically.
We could always just protest and shout about how we need to stop climate change. We could send a letter to the president and maybe it would change his mind, but I doubt it. We could use paper bags instead of plastic bags and help the people who are sad and need help and who are sick. We could do the pay it forward plan
We could help the needy, we could replace wasteful stuff with stuff that could help the environment. We could help ride bikes instead of driving cars, or something like that. We could always ask people to help us or sign a patrician. Then if we got enough people to help us then maybe people would be impressed and make a difference. If it was impressive enough some celebrity's might even be willing to help us. Everybody listens to celebrity’s, that’s how we could make a difference.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mercy Corps Climate Change - AF

mercy corps

we can start by using solar power for power.we can stop the pollution. by sutting down fast food.we can stop the using a lot of power we can stop making so much stuff we don't need.we need to stop the wars all around world.the lazy people are not doing a thing to stop climate change.we can straiten snobby kids.we can get rich people to feed the poor.

we can use wind power for power.we can prevent the world from hunger.we can stop everyone from becoming a zombie.we can stop from everyone becoming poor.we can have everyone become equal.everyone is entitled to freedom.we can stop the world for the violence.the climate all around the world is going nuts.the people around us wont stop and listen to envrment.

the government should stop what there doing and get to the serious stuff.but people won’t lend a hand to help.people are selfish and only think about them selves.they only help them self's to medical care.they will probably never help anyone Else but them selves.

the way we can change the climate is by using wind,solar power .but we can also use hamster power because they run around on a wheel all day.cant they generate power for when theres a power outages. what about kid power. because if they have so much energy why don't we use that and use it for power.all we have to do is put a twinke on the kids head and with a string and wacth them run around the wheel.but seriously we have to stop with all the pollutions and go Green.

but people don’t won’t to do that.no one wont’s to help the earth all they wont to do is sit around and be lazy.generation after generations it keeps happing.people say there going to do that but they keep putting it off.soon the world going die.the world going to blow up.that’s my climate change saving thing.Ok that all i got

Mercy Corps Climate Change - KJ

Climate Change

Every second of every day of every year we, the humans, are polluting the earth. Cars, trucks, buses, trains, factories, companies, and even you are polluting the earth with your actions. To this day, the globe is rising in temperature. Water is evaporating, ice is melting, and deserts are forming. People around the world are suffering from these obvious changes. When you are driving, look at buildings. Is there some sort of smoke-like cloud coming out of it? Probably. Look at cars and trucks, there is always a puff of smoke coming out of the tail pipe. All that gas is polluting the earth causing the dramatic change. Everyday people drive to work. With over 6 billion people in the world and counting , there has to be a lot of pollution. We need to change our lifestyle to save our lives.

What if we could see pollution? Would people recognize the problem and act upon the situation to stop it? I would hope so. Right now, climate change is not affecting my life in any way I can tell. In some parts of the world, people are suffering because of climate change. Not many people stop and think about pollution before they get in the car. It was estimated that by 2015 the oceans will have raised with much that New York will be flooded with a foot of water. All the pollution is causing climate change which is causing the polar ice caps to melt which is, in turn, causing the ocean to drown New York. We wouldn’t want to live in a foot of water. We need to get this picture of what will happen if we continue the way we are today, into people’s minds. They need to be afraid and scared. We need them to want change!

With the climate change people around the globe are being forced to adapt to a new environment. They must learn to conserve water and how to grow foods with what they have. Some people are moving away to a better food source while some are left to die. There are people like you and me who aren’t able to eat nutritiously. They can only eat what they have and hope for a solution. Why must they suffer? because of us, who get to live in luxury and have 10 times what we need? We need to share our health and well being. Why can’t we all be healthy and be able to live? We must change so that others may live.

What can you and I do? In Portland we can ride the MAX, ride bikes and for short distances, walk to help lower pollution. Carpooling and using public transportation helps but doesn’t eliminate the whole problem. Electric cars and even hybrids can help. I know one big problem is money. You may want to help save the earth but you may not have the money for an electric car. You may not notice but many things, such as food, are made and packaged in a factory. Factories produce pollution. We can lower our pollution production to little to zero but we still need food and everyday necessities. We need to change companies and factories to create less pollution. We should aim for no pollution in this world what so ever. It may seem impossible but if everyone tries, i bet it is possible.

Some simple ideas for mitigating climate change and helping others recover from it can be so simple. Wash dishes by hand instead of wasting gallon upon gallon of water with one dishwasher. Wash clothes by hand just like washing dishes by hand, you are saving a lot of water. Take shorter showers. Again to save water. We could use “green” products. We could by our food from a farmers market to skip factory production and packaging. Use human powered transportation or use public transportation. Use only what we absolutely need and nothing else. Entertain ourselves with things like talking to each other or making up games with natural resources.

With all these solutions we would be able to help others in need. We could share our wealth with others and reach out to those suffering from poverty and homelessness. Hopefully someday we can change enough to save lives, nature, and the world.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - CaJo

What are some tangible solutions in our every day life to mitigate the effects of climate change in our community and around the globe?

We could use less cars. We can show this by carpooling to work or school. People riding their bikes or walking to school or work. Bike riding and walking let’s people exercise and put less pollution into the air. If a person’s job is far away, the MAX is a lot better than the bus. The bus puts a lot more pollution into the air.

People use more stuff than they need to use. Recycling and reusing will give us less pollution in the air. Using less plastic water bottles or refilling them can help reduce pollution. If the amount of paper used is reduced, then fewer trees will need to be cut down. Trees make the air good to breathe. We could stop using trees, but we could also plant trees after we cut them down. But did you ever think that one day all the tree’s are going to be gone? If we keep cutting down the trees that's going to happen.

We can recycle so many things, like the plastic 6 pack rings. If we don’t cut them and throw them away. What do you think will happen? Do you think it’s going to sit in a land fill forever? No its going to get stuck around some poor little animals neck and kill them. What did they ever do to you? So cut them of. You could save a animals life.

Did you know your ever day house cleaner can pollute the air? Well it does! It could spill out in the ocean and kill a lot of cute little sea animals. And make them dick and die. We never think that Windex can harm cute sea animals. There are cleaners out there that can be harmful to you , animals, and the world.

Did you think that all these things could be harmful to our town, state, country, world. Well read all of these and see what you think your answers are.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - MaMi

We went to mercy corps and they gave us a question that we have to answer. So I have to answer in 350 words write: what are some tangible solutions in our everyday life to mitigate the effects of climate change in our community and around the globe. Well tangible means realistic or something around that meaning. So we could ride bikes more instead of using cars. We could use our air conditioners less or have them set closer to the outside temperature. We could use sun powered foil microwaves outside instead of real ones. We can use more solar, wave, geothermal and hydrothermal energy. We can cook on a grill. These are all tangible ideas. We could also plant trees witch can absorb the gasses that cause climate change. Unfortunately we already have a problem with keeping our forests around. Maybe those two problems are connected. Maybe because of deforestation making less trees that absorb the gasses caused climate change and if we fix the deforestation problem we could fix climate change to. There are probably a lot of other problems also connected to climate change. We could also lessen the effects by helping the people being affected directly. We could teach them about new technology's that we created that can help them adapt with the problems of climate change. We could also create new ways to save water and energy. In the video they showed basically a bucket that has poles coming out of it. Then the poles have holes in them which slowly releases the water onto the plants. This device saved time and effort to go and water every plant. It also evenly watered the plants which avoided over watering and avoided under watering. It was a great invention that could help people deal with climate change. We could also build solar powered pantries with a air conditioner to grow plants that can no longer deal with the temperature change. We could move water to the lake that once was in niger, to make it bigger and back to its normal size to help niger grow its plants and give it a easier water recource.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - CE

Mercy Corps Blog

What we could do is have everything more conserving like electric vehicles, you know. We could use less oil and coal or any polluting thing. Or some more solar and electric objects to power homes, vehicles, maybe even trains. We can use a little coal or oil but not to much, or we can abandon the resource and come back. We also could use natural gas for generators. For cars a new gas like thing made from plants like unwanted weeds.

When we cut down trees we will plant new trees to replace those trees. Cause trees give us cleaner oxygen. So first we will clean the pollution and then we will have cleaner air from the trees. They are like a filter. We also need to have more trees so we can have more clean air. We need to leave it for the people in the future.

I think the junk yards are also the main causes of the change. So as our school always does is recycle, to make a new better climate and impact. So more people should recycle to help our climate and ecosystem. So all of that trash incoming can be stopped. I don’t know what we would do with the rest but I guess recycle what is still can be used. With the stuff that we can’t use will blast it to oblivion.

All that stuff in those paragraphs are probably out of our reach cause were kids of course. What we can do to help is to walk to school or ride a bike. Don’t use the bus if your close to the school. Also recycle to reduce the trash that will pollute the climate, have nasty smelling air doesn’t sound fun. Or advise your school principle to start having the school recycle. That will influence other kids, schools, and parents to protect our climate from getting changed. You could also inspire other schools too. You could also convince your parents to have a special gas for their car like bio-disel. Convince others to protect and clean our climate for good.

I am glad mercy corps tries to make a diffrence. One day they could make it happen............

Mercy Corps Climate Change - JS


I think some tangible solutions in our everyday life to mitigate the effects of climate change in our everyday community and around the globe are to recycle, reduce car emissions, use reusable energy sources, and picking up trash around our environment. If we can do any of these, our world will be a better place.

By recycling we save on landfill space and the smoke that goes into the air when burning trash. Recycling can also save money because we won’t fill our trash up to be hauled off. I think we could also reuse the stuff instead of recycling it. We could use tires for tire swings, or steps, or even planters. We could build more convenient recycling plants for things like batteries, florescent light bulbs, latex pant, oil, and stuff like that. that way they don’t get thrown in land fills that are a cause of pollution.

Reducing car emissions means to drive cars less or to have less cars driving. When we drive our cars the gas we use goes into the air changing our air temperature. To reduce driving, we could ride our bike or carpool to wherever we’re going (like work or school). Car emissions are very bad for the ozone layer and help in causing the destruction of the ozone layer.

To use reusable energy we could use hybrid cars so we can at least use less gas. Also we can reduce the amount of power plants and replace them with wind power energy producers. The power plants put out stuff that destroys our ozone lair, witch makes the planet hotter. We could put the windmills in large fields and with city's like LA, that don't have those, we can put them on top of the big buildings. We could also pick up trash and Recycle more.The pollution we make also harms the ozone lair, witch causes global warming.

So I think if we ride our bikes, use windmills, pick up trash, recycle, reuse, and widmills more and use cars and power plants less, we could change the climate for the better.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - TS

Tangible Ideas for the Community
I think if we could require big factories to use solar panels for power instead of coal and other pollutant resources. Also if we encourage bicycle or man power transportation it can give Americans a chance to lose weight, which is a good thing. Or we can use water as our source of energy for the community because of the rain we could get it, it could easily be used as a low pay energy source. Or perhaps it doesn't have to be that complicated it could be as easy as carpooling like for example asking your neighbors if there going to the grocery store when you are or have a set routine. Tangible ideas are difficult for me because my non tangible idea would be something like shutting down all the fast food chains and turn them into food banks but people who run those companies just want to make money. Its pretty disappointing that that's all that want to do is make money. I hope the idea makes the community a better place.
We could easily slow down pollution just by turning off the water while you brush your teeth and that an everyday thing. Or instead of letting the water run so it gets cold but instead just getting the all the water that comes out if its not cold enough just add some ice. Also if you use a sprinkler have it only on for 10 minutes instead of 30 minutes or an hour. Or you could take a bus or max to school instead of a car or even a bike. There are so many things you could do its unreal. unplugging your charger on your phone when your not using it. I hope this gave you ideas on how to help our community be a better place.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - AH

What are some tangible (concrete; can be seen) solutions in our everyday
life to mitigate (lessen or soften) the effects of climate change in our community
and around the globe? We can take public transportation such as buses, and
maxes. Vs driving are cars with only one or two people in it. We can recycle
more. Also we can ride are bikes, and walk, and jog from place to place. We can
light fires in are fireplace only when we need to. We can stop wasting electricity,
because we burn Cole to get it. We can use all of the space on are paper so we
use less and there for they don’t cut down as many trees so that means that the
trees will catch more carbon and pollution in the air. These are all things that we
can do as an individual to stop or lessen global climate change.

As a community we can make more bus routes and more max
transportation and we can build more safer bike routes and come up with
different styles of public transportations. This would encourage people to ride
their bikes, walk, jog, and so on, instead of driving cars. Or as a community we
can ride with friends to work and or to school and back. That way you save gas
and money all in one, and get to ride and talk to some one on the way to work
and from work. As a community we can recycle more and throw away less.
These are just a couple of suggestions that we can do as a community to help
stop global climate change, there are so many more thing that we can do as a
community but I don’t wont to over whelm you, because every small thing counts.

Around the globe there are many things that people are doing to help
stop globe climate change, but here are some things that I think will help stop
global climate change. We can stop fighting wars, because we use fire to malt
the bullets, guns, and other stuff, plus when are grenade or bombs go’s off it
releases fire, smoke, and ash in to the air. Did you know there’s a law that you
are only allowed to pilot this much unless you own a forest. I think we should only
allowed people to only polluted enough to keep and to get to and back from work
and that you are able to pollute more if you own forest, so to make that law a little
more strict.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - LA

There are tons of solutions to help the world. A hard, but possible solution would be to adapt the weather changes. We could improve the storage so they can store more food. We could use drip-irrigation. They could improve their utilization. They could give away more food. They could give away more water and help others grow more food. They could improve their education so that they can learn how to use certain tools at certain times. Doctors might be able to help the people by teaching them how to cure disease or a wounds. Maybe even train their animals where to go potty and not near a water source. And they could improve their food security.

First of all, we can stop pollution Factories can make less pollution We can save our energy. We cut down the time with the showers. We can use less water for dishes. We can get eco-friendly items. We could try to not waste any food. We can cover all of our leftover foods. Give food to the needy. Adopt kids that are from other countries. Don’t litter the ground and water. Not using a lot of car-activity. Try to use less electricity. Doing more outdoor-activities. Don’t do things that require a lot of energy. Volunteer at any animal shelters and homeless shelters. Export large quantities of food, water, and medicine to other countries in need. Give away supplies to foster kids. Make fundraisers and donations. Pick up litter around beaches.

We could recycle a lot of things. We could even upcycle. We could donate cans to R.E.A.L Exhibit. Believe it or not, we could clean the waters. We could save money by reusing things. We could get creative and use our imagination. Maybe even teach others to be creative with their stuff. We could also teach people about pollution and what harm it does to us, our community, and our environment. And then they might be able to spread the word to others and get more to care about the planet. We could teach people to go green. We might even to convince others to stop pollution and treat some of the damage that was left by pollution. It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that we could stop some factories from making pollution, or at least reduce the amount of pollution. Well these are some suggestions. I’m sure there’s more to add to this, but this is all I can think of.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - MMa

Mercy Corps

-February 2, 2011-

This past Wednesday, my class went on another informative trip to Mercy Corps! This time, our focus was on climate change. The subject of climate change is well known, and even more known as ‘Global Warming’, which in fact is a false title. Climate change doesn't effect everyone equally though. I, myself experience little to
none of the effects of climate change, unlike the people of Niger, a country in west Africa. Within the last few years, a major water source for Niger, Lake Chad, the third largest lake in Africa, dried up to the point that it wasn't even in their country anymore! Now if that isn't bad, I don't know what is.

So, in Mercy Corps, they posed the question, "What are some tangible solutions in the everyday life to mitigate the effects of climate change in our community and the world?" The question itself seems so large, complicated and plan out intimidating, but really it just means "How can you be a little more eco-friendly in your life?". When I here this I think, 'Use less water', and ' Don't waste energy'. Simply taking shorter showers, or only using the necessary amount of water when brushing you teeth can be the answer. The answer for me is simple, just save what you can. Turning of lights when you leave a room, unplugging electronics when they aren't in use, even the littlest things will help. As a regular person, as a child I cannot change the
world, but as me, I can do my part.

Though, on a larger scale, from the point of a world leader or something, I could do a ton more. If I were able to, I would get a large group of world renown scientists to begin creating blue prints, models and such for extreme solar, hydro, and bio electricity systems. Where we could harness at least 10x more power from each. With this energy, we could power alternative transportation, such as subways, tram, etc. Which would save fuel, and our atmosphere. But for now, this won’t happen, for two reasons. Number one, I am not a world leader. Number two, this would cost a lot of money. Apparently, the movement cares more about money than a future.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - DK

What are some tangible solution in our everyday life to mitigrate the effect of climate change in our community and around the globe or world? It is hard to grow food if you do not have rain or water near your crops. If you do not have food, water, and rain than you will die and your crops or plants will die too. Our guy at MeryCorps was a herder and he really needed ensure environ metalstainability and eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. Plus HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases. He needed food, water(for family and sheep too), rain, and crops to feed his people or family too.

Weather can be altered different from usual seasons. It also effects humans over using and poluting our resources. And a harmful problem causal by pollution. Climate change can effect humankind and can be the greatest threat too. Climate change can be pollution. The video that we watched about climate change was awesome.

There are eight different things that can change climate change. The first one is one is Achieve universal primary education. The second one is Develop a global partnership for development. The third one is Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. The forth one is Promate gender equality and empower women. The fifth one is Combat HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases. The sixth one is Improve maternal health. Last but not least, number seven, Reduce child mortality. I forgot the eighth one?

Niger has a big problem. They do not have water because Lake Chad was the third largest lake but now it is,the smallest I think. And it shrank to the lowest point. Lake Chad is not in Niger and Chad because it is in another country. Niger has a problem with their crops because of the drought and locusts that ate all of their food and crops. Niger has to go get water for their family and crops too. Also Chad had to go get water, food, and crops. Why was it called Lake Chad?

There are a lot of people in the world that do not have any water at all. People can’t serve without food because it is very hard to go get it in other country or city. The United States of America has poverty too. It’s hard to get somewhere safe and protected too. There’s a place in downtown Portland that shares a place to stay. You have to leave the next day to find a job or something to do while you are outside.


Mercy Corps Climate Change - SM

A tangible solution to mitigate the effects of climate change

A solution to climate change is to not pollute. If no one pollutes there would not be any climate change. If every one recycles that would also help climate change. If no one is helping you, and nothing is working then change things you don’t need or use into things that can help your work. You should also store food and water for droughts. You should use bikes instead of cars. Turn off lights when you leave a room. Replace factories with wind turbines. You could use organic materials. Don’t waste food, and carpool more often. Those are some ways to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - CJam

Save Our Planet

Hey, back with another blog. So it seems that the environment ain’t doing so well and because of that, the poverty rate has sky rocketing. So we have to come up with some solutions by answering this question: what are some tangible solutions in our everyday life to mitigate the effects of climate change in our community and around the globe.
Now I know What your thinking,”how can the environment be able to effect poverty?” Well it is, for example, the country of Niger was once a thriving country because of the water supply they got from Lake Chad, Africa’s (former) third largest lake, but from 1963 to 1998, most of the lake dried up and now it’s not even within Niger’s borders. So we all need to come up with some solutions to help the environment.
We can make it the law to plant like at least seven trees after cutting down one. We can stop factories from polluting the air and water. we can power houses with solar panels and/or with windmills. We can conserve energy. Use less oil, coal, gasoline, fossil fuel, etc. Turn off the power to electronics when not being used. Shut off the water when not needed. We can also use other alternative fuels for power such as geothermal, hydroelectric, biomass, etc. We can also make vehicles that run on alternative fuels. We can switch to natural refrigerants, so we can have both cool food and not eating the planet. We can Ride bikes or walk more often instead of taking the car or bus or train. We can use less hot water. We can use a compact fluorescent light bulbs(the twirly light bulbs).
And those are just the few of many things that would make a difference and help stop climate change and put an end to poverty. We can make a difference, we just gotta pitch in. So please try to make at least one of the suggestions I gave a reality. Or you can come up with one on your own, ether way we’ll make a difference, and save millions of lives.

Mercy Corps Climate Change - RM

Mercy Corps Blog (climate) :

We can use less pollution in our daily lives. We could use more natural things like the paper we use and stuff, which will also use less pollution. So that even if the climate effects certain parts of the world it won’t as bad, because there is less pollution. And there would be less things to hard it, it would only be the climate and we would play as big of a part in the destruction of the world. So we could get certain corporations to use less things that pollute the earth. And get them not to give off as many fumes that are harmful to the world. And we could use more sunlight for stuff instead of electricity. And we could do the little things like turn off lights when we leave a room. Or we could use recycled pencils or paper. We also could remember to recycles our plastic grocery bags and paper ones as well. Because the little things count. And we could make sure we through our trash in the garbage or recycle instead of just tossing them around on the ground. Because we really need to help to not pollute the earth. We could volunteer at places that go around and pick up trash and stuff to help our community. Because if we don’t do something about all the pollution and stuff then the world and our home could like slowly disintegrate. because all of the animals would die, and the plants would no longer be able to live in such a polluted environment and if all the plants die then all the people die. Because we need them to breath. So doing all these little or big things to help the world, environment, or just your community are not just saving the world but their saving you too. And that's all I got.