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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brendan Bannon Slideshow - TH

Mr.T's first blog

I watched a Brandon Bannon video and I felt sorry for the kids that were kidnapped and killed by the LRA- Lords Resistance Army. The thought of kids being killed and kidnapped just makes me sick and seething with rage. When I see the faces of the kids you could see the unmistakable sign of fear and terror in their eyes. You could almost smell the fear radiating off of them. The kids and family's went through allot just by seeing their friends get killed and the parents by seeing their kids get taken away.
The people that go to the concentration camps should be considered heroes because they go into the concentration camps and each day they have a chance of being killed or raped. They help the sick and the diseased, they provide medical supply's ,a shoulder to cry on and, a listing ear. They are the heroes.


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