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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

JOIN Visit - KH

Today was a success, we learned about the homeless and how hard it is. People have to keep on moving from place to place just to eat, drink and sleep. We also learned that people can be made homeless by so many reasons. They could have gotten fired, a fire, or even weather. But what happens the most is drugs. People usually get so much drugs and when they don't have a job, they lose everything quick. I belive that even though people are homeless, they still try to get some money for food and shelter. In my eyes anybody can still get a job, people can upcycle and make some drums and people can tip him/her. Or if all they have is a flute,ocarina, or anything like that they can still earn money for breakfast,lunch or dinner. It might not be healthy, but it's still food.
But what sucks the most is that the homeless problem is never going to go away. Because people all over the world are going to have children. And when those children grow up, they're going to have children of their own. And it's never going to stop. I just think that we should ADOPT not give birth. Because that takes away the orphan problem, and after a long time we'll have room for the homeless to have a place to live.
Just saying,

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