
Welcome to parents and community members. Feel free to comment and leave us feedback. We hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fall 2010 is Here!

The 7/8 Crew at City View is getting ready for another year of Expeditionary Learning. I, for one, am excited to get back to school and to begin a new year of challenging students to think outside the box. Once we get started, we will surely be posting blogs here about our summers and our goals for the year.

Parents and Community:

I encourage you to follow the blog and to read your student's posts on here. They will always be listed by title along with the initials of your child. It's a really cool way to see what they are up to. It's also informal, so they will be sharing thoughts and observations written in their own words. I rarely, if ever, edit their writing. My hope is that as the year goes along the writing in their posts will improve. Then again, it seems like even many adults have all sorts of typos when they blog. Regardless, check it out and give them feedback. It should serve as an interesting point of discussion at the dinner table or when you're sitting around spending time together.

Here's to an exciting school year!

Mr. Joe